Frequently Asked Questions
Ensure you have the proper equipment or professional required to perform the assessment, follow the instructions for each assessment and record the results using the metric prescribed.
View the Normative range charts to see how you performed relative to your population, size and/or gender. If the results are not optimal follow the recommendations on what to do to bring your numbers into the optimal range.
Trend it using the trend chart and use it dictate your training intensity for each day. Trending the data over time helps you see what
training, recovery, and nutrition styles enhance or hinder your performance.
Use what you have access to. Sometimes all you have to go off is the self assessment. Obviously this isn’t the most informative form of regulation but it will yield better results than just blindly pushing through every workout with a “redline” mindset.
It depends on the severity. If all assessments are indicating not training you should take a full rest day. If the results indicate fatigue, but not full exhaustion it may be beneficial to perform a Level 1 strength and conditioning session, do your RMC program, and/or do low intensity technical combat training.
Foundational Breathing should be done prior to each training session. Competition Breathing should be done during conditioning
sessions. Recovery Breathing should be done between rounds, in rest periods, and during recovery sessions.
View the equipment section listed in the glossary.
Do the best you can with what you have. Try to mimic an exercise pattern as closely as you can. Sometimes a piece of equipment,
assessment tool, and or technology isn’t available, this doesn’t mean you can’t do the program, you just have to improvise. Do what you can, with what you have.
This program is laid out in a “recommendation” style platform. If you cant do Session 1 on Monday that’s fine, simply move the sessions around in the week in a way that fits your schedule. The only thing that matters is that you perform them in the order (Session 1-Session 2-Session 3…) they are prescribed. Performing Session 6 earlier in the week than Session 1 would be ill-advised.
It is highly recommended to seek out a licensed Physical Therapist, Chiropractor, exercise specialist or NF1 Performance Specialist
(through the NF1 app) to perform your assessment. If these practioners are not financially available to you, you can film yourself performing the assessment exercises and use the “What to Look For” guidelines to determine which areas you displayed the most dysfunction.
Simply visit the RMC page and perform the exercises for your region in the order prescribed. All of the RMC exercises can be found in the exercise library
This is very normal. Many athletes have multiple dysfunctions all over the body. We recommended selecting the 2 most dysfunctional
regions and alternating days of RMC programs for each of them. Even if you exhibited dysfunction in every region its likely that the 2 areas where dysfunction showed up the most are the regions that are robbing you of performance and putting you at the greatest injury risk.
We encourage our athletes to perform their RMC programs each day throughout a fight camp. If this isn’t practical for you attempt to at very least perform your program on the days recommended in your program.
The exercises in an RMC program are very low intensity exercises, mostly made up of foam rolling, stretching and mobilization. These
exercises are designed to remove dysfunctions made through millions of dysfunctional repetitions, to encourage your nervous system to change a pattern it has gotten very accustomed to you must elongate tight overactive tissue, remove scar tissue and adhesions and
perform an equal amount of functional repetitions to reeducate the system.
Do not perform that exercise. Attempt to find an alternative yet similar exercise that doesn’t not cause pain? If pain persists do not
continue your exercise program, consult with your primary physician or medical professional.
The program is designed for 12 weeks of preparation for competition. Simply structure your schedule so that your Taper Week starts one week prior to your competition day.
Do the best you can with what you’ve got. These programs contain a numbering system indicating the order of completion but this doesn’t dictate the importance of the exercise. There will be days you cannot complete the entire program start to finish, based on your
time constraints and needs some days you may need to cut a few sets, remove some exercises or shorten a rest period. Some days you may only have time to do conditioning or strength training, know your weaknesses, know your strengths and adjust your session develop the things you know you need to work on.
It depends on what you have available to you. Utilizing any of the alternative modalities alone and/or in conjunction with the recovery stretches is the most optimal but those modalities may not be available to you, so once again, do the best you can with what you’ve got. Performing the recovery stretch routine, in conjunction with recovery breathing is the minimum you should do after each training session.
This segment is designed to guide your training intensity for each session. Load is the amount of weight or resistance that is recommended, RPE stands for Rating of Perceived Exertion and is another way to “gauge” intensity, and Velocity is a measure of bar speed in meters per second but this ONLY applies if using a linear positional transducer or accelerometer. These are all individual measures of intensity and you can use any of them to set your intensity. Each of these correlates with a % of 1RM (detailed in the program key) but using only % can be confusing, hard to keep track of and not always compatible when performing exercises for which you haven’t established a 1RM for. Check the program key for more detail.
I see the video for the Cognitive Conditioning segment of this session but I don’t have that equipment and/or I don’t have a coach or partner? Improvise. The exercise library gives multiple options for each cognitive conditioning drill. Each cognitive conditioning example provides an option for performing the drill but there are endless ways to execute them. Understand the principles and purpose behind each of the cognitive conditioning drills (Single Leg Balance, Peripheral Reaction, Decision Making, Avoidance, Opponent Simulation, and Agility Reaction) and do the best you can to maintain the integrity of the drill with whatever and whoever you have available.